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Learning Philosophy

The potential of our children is infinite.

With the incorporation of a stimulating environment and enriching resources, we strive to develop each child to be a confident speaker, cooperative team player and critical thinker.

In our holistic curriculum, we prioritise language skills whereby providing an integrated English and Mandarin-speaking environment to develop a repertoire of verbal and non-verbal communication strategies.


We also specialise in EdnoLand’s STEAM – Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics and innovation to provide children in fun and hands-on ways in preparation for future skills. Lastly, for arts and music, we utilise different art mediums and safe spaces to encourage creative self-expression.

Our Curriculum

Our Framework

David and Goliath Preschool further integrates the SLING & STONES framework in key lesson plans. It focuses on blending both the soft and hard skills (character development and technical elements) into the curriculum to ensure holistic learning.

SLING represents software, or character development

  • Self & Social Responsibility

  • Leadership

  • Integrity

  • "Never give up" aptitude

  • Graciousness

STONES represent hardware, or technical skills

  • Somatic—Motor skill development and movement (music)

  • Technology—EdnoLand and STEAM

  • Oratory—Language and music

  • Numeracy

  • Experimentation—Discovery of the world

  • Socio-emotional development

Click to find out more about our upcoming curriculum, on Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Mathematics (STEAM)

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