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DGP Students celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival with JCC

Mylene Lim

David & Goliath Preschool wishes everyone a happy blessed Mid-Autumn Festival. May all of you have a blessed gathering and bonding time to celebrate the festival with lanterns, games, mooncakes and tea with your loved ones.

The little ones from Playgroup and Nursery One had a walk around with their colourful illuminated lanterns. The children from Nursery Two enjoyed their mooncake tasting session with sampling of Chinese tea while gazing at the “full moon” and listening to the stories about Mid-Autumn.


为了让孩子们感受节日氛围,传承节日习俗。 我们通过让孩子们学习传统故事《后羿射日》、《嫦娥奔月》,让他们了解中秋节的由来。并让孩子们亲身体验吃月饼 、赏月、提灯笼、品茶等传统习俗,让他们理解中秋团圆的意义。


月亮圆圆,合家团圆 月饼甜甜,好事连连 开心笑脸,快乐天天 生活美美,幸福永远

Check out the early Mid-Autumn celebration of our DGP children having a meaningful bonding session with their parents (decorating lanterns, tasting mooncakes, playing games and walking around the garden with lanterns) @ Jurong Christian Church on 3 September 2022 too.


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